Funded Projects

2nd Joint Call: NEWTONIAN

The Asian liver fluke Opisthorchis viverrini is intensively transmitted in Southeast Asia (SEA), particularly Lao PDR, Thailand and Cambodia. The helminth adult worm lives in human bile ducts of the liver where it causes a multitude of severe pathologies including cholangiocarcinoma (CCA), a fatal bile duct cancer.
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The Asian liver fluke Opisthorchis viverrini is intensively transmitted in Southeast Asia (SEA), particularly Lao PDR, Thailand and Cambodia. The helminth adult worm lives in human bile ducts of the liver where it causes a multitude of severe pathologies including cholangiocarcinoma (CCA), a fatal bile duct cancer. While in Northeast Thailand research on control tools and public health interventions have much advanced over the past decades, progress made in research and disease control is limited in Lao PDR and Cambodia and the interventions are rather temporary and focal.

There are major challenges for the successful control of O. viverrini infection and related morbidity. Firstly, the currently widely available diagnostic techniques (e.g. Kato-Katz) have a low sensitivity. Secondly, the extent of morbidity (disease) associated with the O. viverrini infection is unknown in many O. viverrini endemic settings. Thirdly, given the lack of adequate regional estimations of O. viverrini infection and the related mortality and morbidity, the currently employed level of control initiatives cannot be adequate planned.


The Project

Our project consortium, consisting of four institutions in Switzerland, Thailand, Lao PDR and Cambodia, each having several decades of experience in Asian liver fluke research and control, aims to develop new tools to control of O. viverrini infection and associated morbidity and mortality in SEA region. Our objectives are (i) to regionally validate a promising rapid diagnostic tests for O. viverrini infection in field sites in Cambodia, Lao PDR and Thailand; (ii) to compile existing data on O. viverrini infection and associated mortality and morbidity in Cambodia, Lao PDR and Thailand and complement them with additional survey data in areas where only sparse information is available; and (iii) to predict the risk of O. viverrini infection and related mortality and morbidity across Southeast Asia.


The Science

This transnational project will lead into a SEA regional view of O. viverrini infection and related morbidity and mortality. For objective (i), a field validation of the urine based detection of circulating O. viverrini will be performed. Two promising tests will be validated: A urine- and a corpro-antigen based diagnostic test, which have a documented high potential for further development. The validation will take into account the different levels of endemicity of O. viverrini infection, and the helminthic co-infections. It will be performed in settings in Lao PDR, Thailand and Cambodia. For objective (ii) an database will be created where existing geo-localized data on O. viverrini infection and associated morbidity will be combined with newly surveyed data. A systematic review of published literature on O. viverrini infection, and related morbidity and mortality will be conducted to achieve a most comprehensive database. For objective (iii), the database will be used for the prediction of O. viverrini infection, morbidity and mortality in area where no data is available and across all three endemic countries by using a well-established Bayesian geo-statistical modelling approach.


The Team

Prof Penelope Vounatsou and Prof Peter Odermatt, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Basel, Switzerland

Dr. Somphou Sayasone, Lao Tropical and Public Health Institute, Ministry of Health, Vientiane, Lao PDR

Dr. Virak Khieu, National Centre for Parasitology, Entomology and Malaria Control, Ministry of Health, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Professor Paiboon Sithithaworn, Parasitology Department and Cholangiocarcinoma Research Institute, Khon Kaen University (KKU), Khon Kaen, Thailand



Professor Peter Odermatt, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), Epidemiology and Public Health Department, PO Box, 4002 Basel, Switzerland, Email:


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Hammerschmidt, S., S. Wolff, A. Hocke, S. Rosseau, E. Muller, and M. Rohde. 2005. Illustration of pneumococcal polysaccharide capsule during adherence and invasion of epithelial cells. Infect Immun 73:4653-4667.


The serological diagnosis of pneumococcal disease on the basis of a single antigen is a challenge, because natural antibodies caused by previous colonization events and the antigenic variability of pneumococci are impaired. A combination of validated immunogenic antigens high-throughput diagnostics is needed to differentiate diseased and healthy people
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Streptococcus pneumoniae, also known as the pneumococcus, is a Gram-positive pathogen recognized as a major cause of pneumonia worldwide. It resides as a commensal in the nasopharynx of healthy carriers, but in susceptible individuals this bacterium can spread to other body locations and cause life-threatening disease. The main group risks are the elderly, immunocompromised people and infants. In fact, approximately 900,000 children die each year due to pneumococcal disease, of which >90% occur in developing countries. In addition, a high number of pneumococcal infection cases are diagnosed in developed countries and can be associated with high morbidity in children and are an important factor that influences quality of life and produces significant mortality in adults. There are licensed polysaccharide-based vaccines to prevent pneumococcal infections, but their efficacy is limited. Therefore, pneumococcal community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) remains as an important health problem and once it has occurred, early diagnosis with accurate diagnostic methods is essential in order to provide patients with prompt and appropriate therapy. The ability to identify pneumococci as a causative agent in lung infections is quite limited and blood cultures are often negative. Serological diagnosis of pneumococcal disease based on a single antigen is often challenging, due to the interference of natural antibodies elicited by previous colonization events and the antigenic variability. Therefore, to better discriminate between diseased and healthy people, a combination of antigens would be desirable.


The Project

The aim of PNEUMOFLUIDICS is to develop an innovative point-of-care diagnostic for the early detection of Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) infections on a serological basis. Results of multiplex analyses will be transferred to a microfluidic protein array (MPA), i.e. a biosensor on which proteins are immobilized and on which a novel serodiagnostic method can be established with minimal serum samples.


The Science

Research aims to develop a sensitive and quantitative tests for the rapid and specific detection of pneumococcal infections. For the validation of a microfluidic protein array (MPA), the detection of IgM antibodies as well as specific IgG antibodies will be performed in larger patient cohorts using initially well-established multiplex platforms for pneumococcal antigens. Selected pneumococcal antigens can also be used for immunostrips that will be probed with independent sets of patient sera. These immunostrips are a diagnostic test can be an easy-to-use tool for diagnosis in healthcare systems, especially in low-resource areas. The pneumococcal-specific MPA will be further used for a broad range of applications such as monitoring epidemiological episodes or discovering new protein vaccine candidates. This strategy will help to distinguish between patients with different diseases. The multiplex platforms or MPA can be employed in epidemiological surveillance programs to monitor possible outbreaks of pneumococcal disease around the world.


The Team

The PNEUMOFLUIDICS partners are:

  • Coordinator : Prof. Dr. Sven Hammerschmidt,  Department of Molecular Genetics and Infection Biology, Interfaculty Institute of Genetics and Functional Genomics, Center for Functional Genomcis of Microbes,Universität Greifswald, Germany. 
  • Brio Apps AlphaSip S.L. (BAA), Calle María de Luna 11, Nave 13, Zaragoza 50018, Spain, represented by the CEO, Miguel Angel Roncalés Poza
  • Prof. Dr. Manuel J. Rodríguez Ortega, Departamento de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular, Edificio "Severo Ochoa", planta baja Campus de Rabanales, Universidad de Córdoba, Spain (subpartner of Brio Apps Alphasip)
  • Prof Dr. Shinta Purwanto, Universitas Sam Ratulangi (USR), Jalan Kampus Bahu Malalayang, Kota Manado 95115, North Sulawesi Utara, Indonesia
  • Dodi Safari, PhD, Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology, Jl. Diponegoro no 69, Jakarta, Indonesia 10430 (associated partner)
  • Dr. Moh Moh Htun, MBBS, MMedSc, PhD (Pathology),  Director (Research), Biomedical Research Centre (BRC), Department of Medical Research, No. 5, Ziwaka Road, Dagon Township, Yangon 11191, Myanmar


Contact: Prof. Dr. Sven Hammerschmidt; Email:


Featured image from:  Hammerschmidt, S., S. Wolff, A. Hocke, S. Rosseau, E. Muller, and M. Rohde. 2005.


2nd Joint Call: BIOPLATE

The metallization of plastics, called Plating On Plastics (POP) for decorative and functional applications is an integral part of many branches of industry. In the automotive industry, for example, in car interiors, for sanitary fittings, for shielding electronic devices or in consumer goods industry for control elements on household appliances.
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The metallization of plastics, called Plating On Plastics (POP) for decorative and functional applications is an integral part of many branches of industry. In the automotive industry, for example, in car interiors, for sanitary fittings, for shielding electronic devices or in consumer goods industry for control elements on household appliances. Electroplating usually refers to plating of metallic surfaces, and requires electric conductivity of the substrate, while the adhesion between layer and substrate is achieved by metal-metal bonds. These both aspects are not observed in POP as plastic is used. Therefore, POP processes rely on very special mechanism and pretreatment procedures. Furthermore, it is not possible to use any type of plastic for metallization in order to produce adhesive layers. Usually, POP products are based on acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) or acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene – polycarbonate (ABS/PC) blend substrates. Modern societies will change into a reduced or neutral carbon footprint way of living. This means not only the use of renewable energies; it means the use of renewable resources in general – including materials. The currently available bioplastics cannot be electroplated with the existing processes and development work has to be carried out. The important thing is that the biopolymer and the electrochemical processes are developed together.

The Project

The aim of the joint research project is an optimised electroplating process for tailor-made biopolymer materials. Biopolymers from renewable raw materials will be used in the field of "Plating On Plastic" (POP) to replace non-biodegradable and oil-based materials. From this point of view, the project will have a beneficial impact for the societal change from “oil-based to green” by the intermediate of more sustainable consumable goods, packaging and vehicles.

The Science

The research to reach the targets goes deep into material science and needs competences in different disciplines of material science as well as in biotechnology and chemistry. The multidisciplinary of the project is best seen in his dual approach of improving the process of metal deposition on plastic from two perspectives: the design, synthesis and surface preparation of a suitable biopolymer from renewable resources and the optimization of the deposition procedures and conditions. This demands on the one side knowledge on design and conducting bioprocesses for a target product and on the other hand, the know-how related to developing electroplating process chains.

Two research lines are proposed regarding the design of the polymer. First, a bio-based polymer or blend having a biphasic structure, similarly to ABS, will be targeted together with a standard electroplating process but involving a suitable non-CMR etching agent like sulfuric acid. A second approach utilizes the difference between the first and second crystallization rates observed for some PHA polymers. The surface pretreatment and the electroplating process must be tailored to the biopolymers.

The Team

The BIOPLATE partners are:


Contact: Dr.- Ing. Martin Metzner


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2nd Joint Call: SEA-dog-SEA

This project aims to explore the social and ecological dimensions of dog-associated zoonotic diseases in order to improve their management in rural areas of SE Asia (Socio-Ecological Approach of dog-borne diseases in SE Asia). It is funded under the 2nd Call of Southeast Asia - Europe Joint Funding Scheme for Science and Innovation.
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A large majority of human diseases is due to zoonotic pathogens, and a significant proportion of those originate from domestic animals. Dog was the first domesticated animal, with the initial centre for domestication located in Asia, and it is currently the most widespread and abundant human commensal. Dogs play an important role of reservoirs for major public health infectious threats, such as rabies. However, apart from rabies, dog-human epidemiological relationships have received relatively little attention, with disease such as cystic echinococcosis being classified as a neglected zoonotic disease. Similarly, is still unclear what roles dogs may play in Asia in the epidemiology of leptospirosis, emerging rickettsiosis or Japanese encephalitis. A key knowledge gap is the paucity of information regarding the behavioral, ecological, and socio-economic determinants of dog-human interactions in SE Asia, in order to improve the management of dog populations for veterinary and public health benefits.


The Project 

SEA-dog-SEA project will study the social and ecological dimensions of dog zoonotic diseases in rural sites selected in Indonesia (Bali), with additional sites in Cambodia and Thailand supported by complementary surveys. The field surveys will combine: i) dog ecology, population dynamics and contact network (GPS tracking, camera traps); ii) dog shared microbiome and prevalence of selected dog-borne diseases (e.g. leptospirosis, internal helminths and rickettsia); iii) perceptions and practices of local populations regarding dog keeping and management (anthropology, social-network of owners…): iv) modelling of multi-layered networks and zoonotic risks associated with dogs. The comparisons between countries will highlight the main drivers of dog-associated zoonotic risks and allow for improved management of dog populations for better prevention of spill-over risks.


The Science

The project adopts an interdisciplinary approach to analyse the linkages between dogs’ spatial behaviour and population dynamics with the socio-cultural and environmental characteristics of the study sites. The movements and distribution of selected dogs will be assessed during radio-tracking sessions using GPS collars, combined with camera-trap monitoring of marked/unmarked dog populations. A questionnaire survey (translated in Balinese/Thai/Khmer), key-informants interviews and participatory mapping will be carried out in the participating villages in order to assess local perceptions and practices regarding dog keeping and management. The screening of zoonotic pathogens in selected dogs will use standardised laboratory diagnostic techniques (rabies antibodies, leptospirosis, rickettsiosis… depending on the sites), while NGSs will be used to analyse the microbiota of sympatric free-ranging dogs based on faecal samples collected. The analysis of contact networks between dogs, and associated social networks between dog-owners, will aim at identifying key individuals/”superspreaders” and key areas/resources to target the management of spill-over risks..


The Team

The SEA-dog-SEA paartners are:


Michel de Garine-Wichatitsky:


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2nd Joint Call: MalHivPOCTs

The MalHivPOCTs project aims to develop rapid point-of-care diagnostic devices that will detect Malaria (Plasmodium genus and two species of Plamodium) and HIV drug resistance to antiretroviral using isothermal amplification methods, paper-based microfluidics and visual readout.
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Malaria and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are two highly dangerous global infectious diseases that cause major harm especially to societies in the Southeast Asia (SEA) region. Current diagnostic technologies are cumbersome, expensive and require sophisticated equipment that can only be maintained in specialized hospitals. This means unfortunately that diagnostics are not available where and when truly needed. Specifically, current diagnostic tests for Malaria are based on microscopy, antigen/antibody detection and nucleic acid-based assays. The gold standard for the detection of mutations in HIV is Sanger sequencing. At the same time, recent advancements in biosensor and rapid-test diagnostics have demonstrated their powerful potential in addressing exactly these complex diagnostic needs in resource-limited settings. Based on our joint diverse and broad strong expertise in Malaria, HIV infectious diseases, biosensors, and nucleic-acid based systems, we propose the development of paper-based and biosensor technologies for the simultaneous detection of Malaria or HIV drug resistance, leading to a simple and low-cost, yet highly reliable and sensitive diagnostic kit.


The Project

The MalHivPOCTs project aims to develop rapid point-of-care diagnostic devices that will detect Malaria (Plasmodium genus and two species of Plamodium) and HIV drug resistance to antiretroviral using isothermal amplification methods, paper-based microfluidics and visual readout.

This project will involve parallel developments of the different components of the paper-based device from 4 partners (Germany, Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand) and hence take advantage of their respective expertise in a collaborative effort.


The Science

The MalHivPOCTs will be based on developing strategies to lyse the pathogens in the blood sample, extract DNA/RNA, amplify specific target sequences, and finally detect the product in a set of paper-based analytical devices (PADs). The device will be made from a patterned piece of chromatography paper with wax ink functioning as hydrophobic barriers and hydrophilic channel. It will integrate all sample assay steps from lysis to detection. Electrospun nanofibers will be studied to enhance DNA/RNA extraction. The recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) is used to amplify DNA/RNA and single or simultaneous detection using colloidal gold or liposomes will result in visual detection.


The Team:

The MalHivPOCTs partners are:


Patsamon Rijiravanich:


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2nd Joint Call:  Irrigation4.0

The objective of the project is to improve a soil moisture and evapotranspiration-based irrigation scheduling system in a wireless sensor network (WSN) platform. It is funded under the 2nd Call of Southeast Asia - Europe Joint Funding Scheme for Science and Innovation.
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Both in Southeast Asia and Europe, the transition towards a bio-based economy holds great potential for economic growth, rural development and decreasing fossil fuel dependence, but requires tackling important challenges. One of these is the steady, reliable and affordable supply of sustainably produced biomass in the agricultural sector. A reliable supply of biomass (for food, feed, fuel) in terms of quantity, quality and continuity, heavily depends on agronomic management practices.

This is also the case for irrigation in regions where rainfall does not cover the physiological needs of plants to achieve the maximum yield potential, and co-occurring environmental conditions such as high temperatures contribute to drought stress. Irrigation needs to be sustainable in terms of water use, and affordable on a macro-economic (production costs versus market value) and micro-economic level (costs versus yield gain). A smart irrigation system aimed at optimizing water use in a cost- and effort-affordable way addresses the EU and SEA bioeconomy strategies for the agricultural sector, including the sustainable exploitation of resources, resource use efficiency, and rural development.

The Project

The irrigation-dependency of plant biomass production and the deficiency of resources will further increase due to climate change. The project involves the development of a new irrigation scheduling system that can reduce water consumption in the agricultural sector by being tuned to the plant’s actual water use, and to agronomic practices aimed at maximizing yield. This collaborative project aims at creating innovation as it is fully embracing the concepts of agriculture 4.0, and fits within the strategic objective of mitigating and adapting to climate change.

The project focuses on two different plant species and production systems that require appropriate irrigation to achieve high yields: high-value fruit orchards (durian)and an arable crop (maize). These were chosen in order to maximize the project’s potential application areas, to raise its scientific value in terms of plant water use for a tree species and an annual C4 monocot crop, and to challenge the technology under different scenarios.

The Science

The objective of the project is to improve a soil moisture and evapotranspiration-based irrigation scheduling system in a wireless sensor network (WSN) platform, by means of high temporal resolution data informing about plant water status. Psychrometers and thermal infrared cameras, providing stem water potential and canopy temperature data, will be added to the WSN. The improved platform will cope with large data volumes, new processing algorithms requiring significant computing performance, and an increased power consumption. The plant-based sensors will be critically tested for their value in increasing our understanding of plant water use throughout development and in interaction with the environment. The improved irrigation platform will then be installed in a durian (Durio zibethinus L.) orchard in Thailand for performance testing and data collection. Machine learning approaches will be applied to develop plant water potential and canopy temperature index models, and to classify plant responses to irrigation, water-deficit, and environmental conditions across the growing season. The new irrigation scheduling system in the adapted platform will be extensively tested in a durian orchard and a maize (Zea mays L.) field plot for performance, irrigation accuracy and effects on yield.

The Team:

The Irrigation4.0 partners are:

Dr. Teera Phatrapornnant : National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, National Science and Technology Development Agency, Thailand

Dr. Nathalie Wuyts: Forschungszentrum Jülich, Institute of Bio- and Geosciences, IBG-2: Plant Sciences, Germany

Porf. Dr. Khin Than Mya: Faculty of Computer Systems and Technologies, University of Computer Studies, Yangon, Myanmar


Teera Phatrapornnant:


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2nd Joint Call: Moxistrong

The overarching goal of this project is to assemble for the first time key data on the safety and efficacy and pharmacokinetics of moxidectin for the treatment of strongyloidiasis. It is funded under the 2nd Call of Southeast Asia - Europe Joint Funding Scheme for Science and Innovation.
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Strongyloides stercoralis belongs to the soil-transmitted helminths and is the most neglected helminth infection among the neglected tropical diseases. It occurs almost worldwide and may result in long-lasting infections, and significant morbidity. Today, drug treatments, combined with health education programs, remain the core control strategy. The current recommended treatments are a single dose of ivermectin or multiple doses of albendazole, which has a lower efficacy compared to ivermectin. Since drug resistance is a threat it is important to develop treatment alternatives. Among new candidates in the human anthelminthic drug development pipeline, moxidectin, a macrocyclic lactone might be an excellent alternative. In an exploratory, randomized, single-blind trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of moxidectin an excellent cure rate was observed against S. stercoralis.

The Project

The overarching goal of this project is to assemble for the first time key data on the safety and efficacy and pharmacokinetics of moxidectin for the treatment of strongyloidiasis. The project involves four highly multi-disciplinary, interlinked objectives. 1.) What is the efficacy and safety of ascending moxidectin doses (2-12 mg versus placebo) against S. stercoralis infections in adults? 2. Can dried blood spots (DBS) be used to analyse pharmacokinetic (PK) properties of moxidectin? 3. What are key PK parameters of moxidectin in patients infected with S. stercoralis? 4. What is the safety and efficacy of moxidectin against S. stercoralis compared to the drug of choice ivermectin?

The Science

Research questions are embedded in one Phase 2a and two Phase 2b clinical trials. A Phase 2a dose-finding trial will be conducted to determine the efficacy and safety of ascending single, oral doses of moxidectin versus placebo in Lao PDR in 210 adults infected with S. stercoralis. The primary outcome is to assess the efficacy of 2-12 mg moxidectin versus placebo in terms of cure rate against S. stercoralis. Secondary outcomes are the tolerability of the treatment regimens and PK properties. For this purpose venous blood will be withdrawn by cannulation from 15 adults in the Phase 2a study at 0, 2, 4, 8, 24 and 72 hours, 7 and 21 days post-treatment with moxidectin in the 8 mg study arm. From the same participants and of 15 patients in the other treatment arms DBS samples will be taken at the same time points. Once the optimal dose of moxidectin has been identified in the Phase 2a trial a Phase 2b trial will be conducted in Laos and Cambodia. This study will be a non-inferiority trial and include 245 patients treated with moxidectin, ivermectin or placebo. 35 patients will be included in the PK studies.

The Team

The Moxistrong partners are: 

Prof. Jennifer Keiser : Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Switzerland

Dr. Somphou Sayasone : Lao Tropical and PublicHealth Institute, Laos PDR

Dr. Virak Khieu : National Centre for Parasitology, Entomology and Malaria Control, Cambodia


Jennifer Keiser:


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2nd Joint Call: Purge to Value

The aim of the project is to use the metabolites from A. platensis purge water for the production of a complex nitrogen source. It is funded under the 2nd Call of Southeast Asia - Europe Joint Funding Scheme for Science and Innovation.
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Cyanobacteria have gained much attention as a rich source of bioactive compounds and have been considered as one of the most promising groups of organisms to produce them. One of the well-known and widely used representative, mostly in the food industry, is Arthrospira platensis (Spirulina platensis).

Growth of A. platensis requires a group of nutrients in the cultivation media, with the nitrate, phosphate, and carbon source being of the highest importance. Under systematic, continuous cultivation a build up of nutrients, organic matter and A. platensis metabolites is observed in the cultivation water, which acts as a growth inhibitor for A. platensis and is therefore an issue for the productivity in commercial plants. This fact shows the need to replace the media water when A. platensis production decreases, which leads to the production of large yearly amounts of Arthrospira purge water.

Therefore, an A. platensis production in tank based systems presents two key technological challenges:

  • Reducing water usage in A. platensis production by increasing purge water recycling
  • Repurposing the purge water after it is no longer able to be used for algae cultivation


The Project

The aim of the project is to use the metabolites from A. platensis purge water for the production of a complex nitrogen source. Extremophile yeasts do have the capability to convert the short chain sugars that are occurring in A. platensis purge water into valuable lipids and these do have the potential to serve as a valuable food product.

Therefore, the aim of the project is twofold: Firstly, the integration of a second biological process shall serve as a purge Arthrospira wastewater cleaning step. That is the cultivation of extremophile yeasts in the wastewater, that have the capability to convert the exopolysaccharides and media build up to valuable lipids, while the water is recycled and reused in A. platensis cultivation. Secondly, the produced biomass or parts thereof (yeast extract, lipids etc.) represent additional product streams with the potential to serve as a valuable food product of or a recycle stream for existing or as an organic alternative media for existing A. platensis production plants.


The Science

The implementation of a second biological step into algae cultivation systems, that makes use of the purge water, will be pursued. An extremophile yeast, Debaryomyces hansenii, a producer of valuable lipids, has been identified for this purpose. There is evidence that these two organisms could be cultivated on each other’s excreted metabolites and enable a combined production process. To enhance the profitably of the overall process valuable substances, a lipid fraction and a yeast extract from D. hansenii shall be identified, isolated and assessed in regards of their compliance to food and feed applications. The experiments in lab scale will be cultivations of A. platensis and D. hansenii on the respective purge water and an in depth analysis of all influencing effects. Furthermore, the isolation of lipids and yeast extract will be investigated. All experimental investigation will be analytically monitored, the developed new products will be characterized and data for validation will be gathered. The results of the experimental investigation will be technically assessed and contribute to the design of an integrated overall process for the valorization of side streams of the said process, by creating further products from and closing recycle loops for A. platensis production processes.

The Team

Purge to Value partners are: 

Prof. Dr. Heike Frühwirth : Hochschule Biberach (HB), Germany

Dr. Baptiste Leroy : University of Mons (UM), Belgium

Dr. Thornthan Sawangwman : Ramkhamhaeng University (RU), Thailand

Muhamet Doertkardes : EnerGaia Co. Ltd. Thailand


Heike Frühwirth :

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2nd Joint Call: PHIShINg

The project aims to develop new diagnostic tests of the Hepatitis B virus. It is funded under the 2nd Call of Southeast Asia - Europe Joint Funding Scheme for Science and Innovation.
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Hepatitis B is one of the major causes of acute and chronic viral hepatitis, an infection that affects the liver. According to World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated 257 million people were living with hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in 2015 and Hepatitis B resulted in 887 000 deaths, mostly from complications (including cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma). The virus is transmitted through contact with the blood or other body fluids of an infected person. It constitutes a public health threat and is an important occupational hazard for health workers. In addition, only 9% of HBV-infected people are diagnosed always according to WHO. One reason is the limited access to affordable hepatitis tests and especially ones that can be performed by non-laboratory staff. Hence the development of diagnostic tools of infection by HBV is crucial on a public health point of view. 

The Project

The project aims to develop new diagnostic tests of Hepatitis B virus that should be inexpensive, easy to use and highly sensitive. To this end, paper-based label-free electrochemical immunosensor will be designed to integrate silver nanoparticles as redox probes for signal enhancement of the assay. Special attention will be carried out on the ease of synthesis and use.

The Science

Hepatitis B virus has a lipid envelope containing hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and this antigen is found in the blood during the incubation period and in case of acute and chronic infection. Therefore, HBsAg is considered as a major index of hepatitis B viruses (HBV) infection. Due to the highly specific binding of antigens and antibodies, immunoassays are particularly adapted to detect HBsAg. Label-free electrochemical immunosensors has attracted interest since a long time to give up the classical sandwich-type structure. Indeed this structure requires to perform several biorecognition steps to introduce a label, like in ELISA tests. On another hand, nanomaterial has also intensively been investigated for signal enhancement and improvement of the limit of detection of immunosensors due to their intrinsic advantages such as electrical properties and large surface area. Lastly, the development of microfluidic devices has been stimulated in the field of sensors with the goal to produce low-cost point-of-care diagnostics and on-site detection. Recent developments suggest that bioassays on paper-based substrates may be an interesting alternative for solid support due to the numerous advantages of paper (abundance, inexpensive, sustainable) and variety of inkjet printing techniques available for its functionalization. 

The Team

The PHIShINg partners are: 

Dr. Philippe Banet: University of Cergy Portoise (UCG) , France

Dr. Jaroon Jakmune: Chiang May University (CMU), Thailand

Dr. Akhmad Sabarudin: Brawijaya University (UB), Indonesia


Philippe Banet :


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1st Joint Call: FRESHBIO

This project will study the diversity, biological states and uses of freshwater biotas in the insular biodiversity hotspots of Southeast Asia. It is funded under the 1st Call of the Southeast Asia - Europe Joint Funding Scheme for Science and Innovation.
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Around the world, natural ecosystems are being put under increasing pressure by mankind. Maintaining high levels of biodiversity is vital to ensuring the continuing sustainability of ecosystems, and areas at particular risk are identified as ‘biodiversity hotspots’. There are three such insular hotspots in Southeast Asia, which are among the most endangered in the world.

However, there is a lack of consistent recording of animal and plant life within these ecosystems, which hampers conservation efforts. This lack of accurate and reliable databases in Southeast Asia, limits research on ecology and global climate change. Such research is becoming increasingly important as greater areas and populations begin to experience the effects of climate change – particularly those whose livelihoods depend on wildlife.

To get a clearer picture of the state of freshwater biotas in insular hotspots in Southeast Asia, urgent steps must be taken. Firstly, DNA-based methods of species inventory are needed to speed up the inventory of biodiversity, and accurate biodiversity mapping is urgently needed to guide conservation strategies.

For this work to take place, capacity building on wildlife forensics is needed to promote new and sustainable practices for species identification, while local populations living in these areas will also need guidance to adapt to the potential effects of biodiversity loss.

The project

The FRESHBIO project aims to address all of these issues through the following steps. Firstly, the team will support DNA barcoding campaigns to build-up reference libraries for automated species identification and its application in environmental DNA barcoding. They will then explore historical trends in population demography and species aggregation in ecological communities to address the state of aquatic biotas (expansion vs. contraction), and estimate the impact of land conversion on diversity patterns through a geographic information system approach. Finally, the project will explore the dynamics of adaptation and resilience of human populations to environmental changes.

The Science

Three main hypotheses are underpinning FRESHBIO: (1) DNA barcoding is an effective paradigm to document biodiversity as it is effective whatever the life stages, spectacular levels of cryptic diversity are often reported and libraries are publicly available. (2) Pleistocene climatic fluctuations predict diversity patterns. Emerged land in Sundaland represents only 50-75% of its maximal Pleistocene surface and its biotas are currently in a refugial state. By contrast, the Wallacea and Philippines hotspots have been continuously isolated from the main land during PCF. (3) Wildlife dependent peoples are sentinels of environmental changes. Resilience and adaptive responses of local fisherfolk to disturbed aquatic ecosystems may be assessed through the peoples’ capacity to anticipate ongoing changes. If addressed through time, people adaptive strategies might be indicative of early ecosystemic changes.

The FRESHBIO partners are:

Dr. Hendrik FREITAG: Ateneo de Manila University (ADMU)

Dr. Daisy WOWOR: Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)

Dr. Nicolas HUBERT: Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), France Sud

Dr. Thomas von RINTELEN: Museum für Naturkunde (MfN)

Dr. Philippe KEITH: Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (MNHN)

Dr. Edmond DOUNIAS: Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), Indonésie


Nicolas Hubert: