Pre-announcement of the 2024 Joint Call for Research Proposals


The Secretariat of the Southeast Asia (SEA) – Europe Joint Funding Scheme (JFS) for Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) is happy to announce that we will officially launch the 2024 Joint Call for Research Proposals on 2 September 2024 as the 9th Call. The JFS Secretariat Team has resumed its work and is now preparing the details for the 9th Call.
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Both, Europe and Southeast Asia increasingly suffer from the impact of climate change and related extreme weather events, sea-level rise and changing precipitation patterns. Adaptation to these conditions and increased local resilience are high on the agenda in both regions. Therefore, the European Commission (EC) and the JFS funders have decided to devote the 2024 JFS Call for Proposals to the overall area of CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION AND LOCAL RESILIENCE and to support under the umbrella of this area research proposals for the following three topics towards sustainable green and blue economies.


• Topic 1: Waste water treatment and reuse (industrial & municipal)


• Topic 2: Underwater and above-water biomass farms working with renewable energy


• Topic 3: Assessment and remediation of contaminated inorganic and organic soils


Topic 1: Waste water treatment and reuse (industrial & municipal):

Climate Change can lead to changed precipitation patterns. This can have an impact on waster water compositions and amounts. Droughts may require careful use and recirculation of water. Under the 2024 Call, research proposals will be selected for funding that address the impact of climate change e.g. through the development of costeffective technologies on water and wastewater reuse and recycling for industries and communities. Projects may address potable and non-potable uses, emerging pollutants, and/or possible nutrient recovery following circular economy pathways.


Topic 2: Underwater and above-water biomass farms working with renewable energy

With increasing population, greenhouse gas emissions related to biomass production and the requirement for new and more biomass production, underwater and above-waster biomass farms working with renewable energy are getting attention as part of the development towards a climate neutral society. This topic supports sustainable utilization of marine and coastal ecosystems in both the European and Southeast Asian regions. Policy documents such as the European Green Deal and the ASEAN Blue Economy Framework strategy encourage the establishment of marine biomass farms based on renewable energy sources. The 2024 JFS Call plans to support research proposals addressing aspects like developing submarine and offshore biomass farms (fishing, micro and macro algae harvesting) that will be powered by ecosystem-sensitive net zero emission energy production using both renewable energy sources such as wind, current, wave and sun and/or various hydrogen sources in water (H2O, H2S, NH3, etc.).


Topic 3: Assessment and remediation of contaminated inorganic and organic soils

The research on assessment and remediation of contaminated soils is vital for both ASEAN and EU. It enhances agricultural productivity, environmental conservation, and climate change mitigation, aligning with sustainability goals. Collaboration can drive policy implementation, technological advancement, and economic development, supporting global environmental and socio-economic objectives. Research proposals submitted under the 2024 JFS Call may include expertise related to e.g. Bioremediation, Ecotoxicology, Environmental Biotechnology, Environmental Policy and Management, Geochemistry, Inorganic Absorbents, Soil Engineering & Science, Sustainable Development.


Type of funded projects:

• Southeast Asia - Europe Joint Call Project consortia must comprise of at least 3 partners from 3 different countries fulfilling the basic 2+1 rule: either 2 partners from 2 different Southeast Asian countries and 1 European partner OR 2 partners from 2 different European countries and 1 Southeast Asian partner. At least 1 partner from each region must be eligible for JFS funding.

• The Project Coordinator must be selected from among the partners eligible for funding. The third partner can be funded by a funding organisation from a country participating in the JFS or bring his/her own funding.

• The proposals have to address the link and impact of the proposal to the overall area of “CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION AND LOCAL RESILIENCE” to enhance bi-regional cooperation and develop new partnerships as well as strengthen the existing ones.

• The JFS wants to support integrated research approaches and specifically encourages the submission of proposals by interdisciplinary consortia including expertise from humanities and social sciences.

• Proponents are requested to read carefully the National Regulations from the funding organisation that you are requesting funding from, as well as the National Regulations from the partners, since the National Regulations may include additional requirements, e.g.: certain Technology Readiness Levels, submission proposal to the funders’ website besides to JFS’, budget allocation criteria, etc.


Information on participating countries/ funding organisations and their National Regulations, how to apply and deadlines will be published in the SEA-EU JFS website as well as announced in our social media channels: FaceBook & X (Twitter) on 2 September 2024. In addition, the Secretariat will organise a Brokerage Event and a Lab Exploration Tour, in accordance helping proponents to find the matching research partners from Southeast Asia and/or Europe. Details on all JFS events will be published on our website and social media channels as well. In order to make sure not to miss any news and events about SEA-EU JFS we strongly recommend you to subscribe to our Newsletter


Two editions of Meet My Lab x JFS took place from Sept. 8-9

Meet My Lab x JFS is an event in cooperation of EURAXESS ASEAN and the Southeast Asia-Europe Joint Funding Scheme. On September 8 and 9, two editions of Meet My Lab x JSF took place on the topics of "Sustainable Food Production" and "Climate Change: Resilience & Adaptation"
Event Date:
Posted on 02. Sep. 2021
Location / Venue

Meet My Lab X JFS event series





Meet My Lab x JFS:Sustainable Food Production



Meet My Lab x JFS: Climate Change: Resilience & Adaption


Meet My Lab x JFS: Call for Speakers

Apply now and present your laboratory at Meet My Lab x JFS - Deadline for application: August 31, 2021 at 23:59 CEST
Posted on 17. Aug. 2021
Year of publication
Document Type

Please download the applications form for detailed information how to apply and be a speaker at Meet My Lab x JFS.

Deadline for application: August 31, 2021 at 23:59 CEST


Call for speaker's applications: Meet My Lab x JFS

The call for speaker’s applications is now open: Present your laboratory and find partners in the Meet My Lab x JFS online event - Deadline for application: August 31, 2021 at 23:59 CEST
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CLOSED***Event announcement: Meet My Lab x JFS: “Sustainable Food Production” and “Climate Change: Resilience & Adaptation” (8-9 September, 2021)

Present your laboratory in a live video session and find partners for your international research cooperation at the upcoming virtual event of Meet My Lab x JFS.

The Southeast Asia-Europe Joint Funding Scheme for Research and Innovation (JFS) in cooperation with EURAXESS ASEAN is looking for researchers from Southeast Asia and Europe that are interested in presenting their laboratory at our Meet My Lab x JFS event.

To support the European-Southeast Asian scientific cooperation, the JFS in cooperation with EURAXESS ASEAN is looking for laboratories across Southeast Asia and Europe.

Who should apply?

  • Are you from a Southeast Asian or European country?

  • Are you working in a laboratory that is perfect for the realization of research projects?

  • Are you looking for partners from Southeast Asia and/or Europe to implement international research cooperation?

If yes, apply now for the Meet My Lab x JFS virtual event and present your laboratory and in this way open possibilities of cooperation to potential partners.

How to apply?

Please fill in the application form and make a brief video about your laboratory to be submitted to:

Your video should be no longer than 03:00 minutes and should show all significant things that make your laboratory special (e.g. special equipment, facility etc.). You can use your smartphone or any other equipment to make your video.

Deadline for application: August 31, 2021 at 23:59 CEST


Meet My Lab x JFS, a cooperation between EURAXESS ASEAN and JFS

September 08, 2021 – 09:00am CEST / 15:00pm Singapore time: “Sustainable Food Production”

September 09, 2021 – 09:00am CEST / 15:00pm Singapore time: “Climate Change: Resilience & Adaptation”

Venue: Online

Meet My Lab x JFS will provide information about EURAXESS ASEAN and JFS and its 7th Joint Call for Proposals, which is currently open for submission of research proposals. Selected Southeast Asian and European researchers seeking to extend their international research network will present their laboratory.

All details for your participation will be published on our website and distributed through our social media channels soon.



Launch of the 7th JFS STI Call

Launch of the 7th STI JFS Call

The 2021 STI Joint Call for Proposals: Sustainable Food Production and Climate Change: Resilience & Adaptation is now open for applications.
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The JFS is happy to announce today's launch of the 7th STI Joint Call for Proposals in the two thematic areas of:


Which types of projects are funded?

Southeast Asia - Europe Joint Call Project consortia must comprise of at least 3 partners from 3 different countries fulfilling the 2+1 rule: Either 2 partners from 2 different Southeast Asian countries and 1 European partner or 2 partners from 2 different European countries and 1 Southeast Asian partner. At least 1 partner from each region must be eligible for JFS funding. Further, the coordinator must be selected from among the partners eligible for funding. The required third partner can be funded by a funding organization from a country participating in the JFS or bring his own funding. The proposals have to cover the thematic areas of “Sustainable Food Production” or “Climate Change: Resilience and Adaptation” to enhance bi-regional cooperation and develop new partnerships as well as strengthen existing ones. Please read the National Regulations from the funding organization that you are requesting funding from carefully since the National Regulations may include additional requirements, e.g. certain Technology Readiness Levels.

What is the submission deadline?

15 October 2021 12:00 (noon) CEST/ 05:00 pm Bangkok time

What is the scope of the projects?

Funding will typically be provided for the duration of a maximum of three years (36 months). They should start earliest in June 2022.

Within the framework of the Joint Call, funding can in general be applied for:

  • Personnel costs
  • Equipment and consumables (project-related miscellaneous expenses and project-related larger equipment)
  • Mobility costs (exchange research visits between Europe and Southeast Asia. Travel costs, living expenses and visa costs are eligible for funding.
  • Other costs (Costs which cannot be classified under the previous cost items but are required for the project implementation, such as costs related to dissemination, intellectual property, demonstration, market search, management, organisational and subcontracting costs)

Which countries and funding agencies/ministries are participating?

(1= Sustainable Food Production; 2= Climate Change: Resilience and Adaptation)

  • Belgium – National Fund for Scientific Research (FRS-FNRS) 1,2
  • Brunei Darussalam – University of Brunei Darussalam (UBD) 2
  • Bulgaria – Bulgarian National Science Fund (BNSF) 1,2
  • Cambodia – Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MEYS) 1,2
  • Czech Republic – Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) 1,2
  • Germany  Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) 1,2
  • Indonesia – Ministry of Research and Technology / National Research & Innovation Agency (RISTEK / BRIN) 1,2
  • Lao PDR  Ministry of Education and Sports, Cabinet of Lao Academy of Science (MOES) 1,2
  • Malaysia – University of Malaya (UM) TBC
  • Malaysia – Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) 1,2
  • Myanmar – Ministry of Education (MOE) TBC
  • Netherlands – Dutch Research Council (NWO) 1,2
  • Philippines – Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD) 2
  • Philippines – Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Rsearch and Development (PCIEERD) 2
  • Spain – Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) 1,2
  • Switzerland Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) 1,2
  • Thailand - National Science and Technology Development Agency/Program Management Unit – Brain Power (NSTDA/PMU-B) 1,2
  • Turkey – Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK) 1,2

More information on the call content can be found on this website under "calls":

The call document can be found under "documents":


7th STI JFS Call Text

This Document Call Text 7th STI JFS Call Text 2021 available for download
Posted on 14. Jun. 2021
Year of publication
Document Type

2nd Joint Call: NEWTONIAN

The Asian liver fluke Opisthorchis viverrini is intensively transmitted in Southeast Asia (SEA), particularly Lao PDR, Thailand and Cambodia. The helminth adult worm lives in human bile ducts of the liver where it causes a multitude of severe pathologies including cholangiocarcinoma (CCA), a fatal bile duct cancer.
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The Asian liver fluke Opisthorchis viverrini is intensively transmitted in Southeast Asia (SEA), particularly Lao PDR, Thailand and Cambodia. The helminth adult worm lives in human bile ducts of the liver where it causes a multitude of severe pathologies including cholangiocarcinoma (CCA), a fatal bile duct cancer. While in Northeast Thailand research on control tools and public health interventions have much advanced over the past decades, progress made in research and disease control is limited in Lao PDR and Cambodia and the interventions are rather temporary and focal.

There are major challenges for the successful control of O. viverrini infection and related morbidity. Firstly, the currently widely available diagnostic techniques (e.g. Kato-Katz) have a low sensitivity. Secondly, the extent of morbidity (disease) associated with the O. viverrini infection is unknown in many O. viverrini endemic settings. Thirdly, given the lack of adequate regional estimations of O. viverrini infection and the related mortality and morbidity, the currently employed level of control initiatives cannot be adequate planned.


The Project

Our project consortium, consisting of four institutions in Switzerland, Thailand, Lao PDR and Cambodia, each having several decades of experience in Asian liver fluke research and control, aims to develop new tools to control of O. viverrini infection and associated morbidity and mortality in SEA region. Our objectives are (i) to regionally validate a promising rapid diagnostic tests for O. viverrini infection in field sites in Cambodia, Lao PDR and Thailand; (ii) to compile existing data on O. viverrini infection and associated mortality and morbidity in Cambodia, Lao PDR and Thailand and complement them with additional survey data in areas where only sparse information is available; and (iii) to predict the risk of O. viverrini infection and related mortality and morbidity across Southeast Asia.


The Science

This transnational project will lead into a SEA regional view of O. viverrini infection and related morbidity and mortality. For objective (i), a field validation of the urine based detection of circulating O. viverrini will be performed. Two promising tests will be validated: A urine- and a corpro-antigen based diagnostic test, which have a documented high potential for further development. The validation will take into account the different levels of endemicity of O. viverrini infection, and the helminthic co-infections. It will be performed in settings in Lao PDR, Thailand and Cambodia. For objective (ii) an database will be created where existing geo-localized data on O. viverrini infection and associated morbidity will be combined with newly surveyed data. A systematic review of published literature on O. viverrini infection, and related morbidity and mortality will be conducted to achieve a most comprehensive database. For objective (iii), the database will be used for the prediction of O. viverrini infection, morbidity and mortality in area where no data is available and across all three endemic countries by using a well-established Bayesian geo-statistical modelling approach.


The Team

Prof Penelope Vounatsou and Prof Peter Odermatt, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Basel, Switzerland

Dr. Somphou Sayasone, Lao Tropical and Public Health Institute, Ministry of Health, Vientiane, Lao PDR

Dr. Virak Khieu, National Centre for Parasitology, Entomology and Malaria Control, Ministry of Health, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Professor Paiboon Sithithaworn, Parasitology Department and Cholangiocarcinoma Research Institute, Khon Kaen University (KKU), Khon Kaen, Thailand



Professor Peter Odermatt, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), Epidemiology and Public Health Department, PO Box, 4002 Basel, Switzerland, Email:


Featured image from

2nd Joint Call: BIOPLATE

The metallization of plastics, called Plating On Plastics (POP) for decorative and functional applications is an integral part of many branches of industry. In the automotive industry, for example, in car interiors, for sanitary fittings, for shielding electronic devices or in consumer goods industry for control elements on household appliances.
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The metallization of plastics, called Plating On Plastics (POP) for decorative and functional applications is an integral part of many branches of industry. In the automotive industry, for example, in car interiors, for sanitary fittings, for shielding electronic devices or in consumer goods industry for control elements on household appliances. Electroplating usually refers to plating of metallic surfaces, and requires electric conductivity of the substrate, while the adhesion between layer and substrate is achieved by metal-metal bonds. These both aspects are not observed in POP as plastic is used. Therefore, POP processes rely on very special mechanism and pretreatment procedures. Furthermore, it is not possible to use any type of plastic for metallization in order to produce adhesive layers. Usually, POP products are based on acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) or acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene – polycarbonate (ABS/PC) blend substrates. Modern societies will change into a reduced or neutral carbon footprint way of living. This means not only the use of renewable energies; it means the use of renewable resources in general – including materials. The currently available bioplastics cannot be electroplated with the existing processes and development work has to be carried out. The important thing is that the biopolymer and the electrochemical processes are developed together.

The Project

The aim of the joint research project is an optimised electroplating process for tailor-made biopolymer materials. Biopolymers from renewable raw materials will be used in the field of "Plating On Plastic" (POP) to replace non-biodegradable and oil-based materials. From this point of view, the project will have a beneficial impact for the societal change from “oil-based to green” by the intermediate of more sustainable consumable goods, packaging and vehicles.

The Science

The research to reach the targets goes deep into material science and needs competences in different disciplines of material science as well as in biotechnology and chemistry. The multidisciplinary of the project is best seen in his dual approach of improving the process of metal deposition on plastic from two perspectives: the design, synthesis and surface preparation of a suitable biopolymer from renewable resources and the optimization of the deposition procedures and conditions. This demands on the one side knowledge on design and conducting bioprocesses for a target product and on the other hand, the know-how related to developing electroplating process chains.

Two research lines are proposed regarding the design of the polymer. First, a bio-based polymer or blend having a biphasic structure, similarly to ABS, will be targeted together with a standard electroplating process but involving a suitable non-CMR etching agent like sulfuric acid. A second approach utilizes the difference between the first and second crystallization rates observed for some PHA polymers. The surface pretreatment and the electroplating process must be tailored to the biopolymers.

The Team

The BIOPLATE partners are:


Contact: Dr.- Ing. Martin Metzner


Featured image from


1st Joint Call: FRESHBIO

This project will study the diversity, biological states and uses of freshwater biotas in the insular biodiversity hotspots of Southeast Asia. It is funded under the 1st Call of the Southeast Asia - Europe Joint Funding Scheme for Science and Innovation.
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Around the world, natural ecosystems are being put under increasing pressure by mankind. Maintaining high levels of biodiversity is vital to ensuring the continuing sustainability of ecosystems, and areas at particular risk are identified as ‘biodiversity hotspots’. There are three such insular hotspots in Southeast Asia, which are among the most endangered in the world.

However, there is a lack of consistent recording of animal and plant life within these ecosystems, which hampers conservation efforts. This lack of accurate and reliable databases in Southeast Asia, limits research on ecology and global climate change. Such research is becoming increasingly important as greater areas and populations begin to experience the effects of climate change – particularly those whose livelihoods depend on wildlife.

To get a clearer picture of the state of freshwater biotas in insular hotspots in Southeast Asia, urgent steps must be taken. Firstly, DNA-based methods of species inventory are needed to speed up the inventory of biodiversity, and accurate biodiversity mapping is urgently needed to guide conservation strategies.

For this work to take place, capacity building on wildlife forensics is needed to promote new and sustainable practices for species identification, while local populations living in these areas will also need guidance to adapt to the potential effects of biodiversity loss.

The project

The FRESHBIO project aims to address all of these issues through the following steps. Firstly, the team will support DNA barcoding campaigns to build-up reference libraries for automated species identification and its application in environmental DNA barcoding. They will then explore historical trends in population demography and species aggregation in ecological communities to address the state of aquatic biotas (expansion vs. contraction), and estimate the impact of land conversion on diversity patterns through a geographic information system approach. Finally, the project will explore the dynamics of adaptation and resilience of human populations to environmental changes.

The Science

Three main hypotheses are underpinning FRESHBIO: (1) DNA barcoding is an effective paradigm to document biodiversity as it is effective whatever the life stages, spectacular levels of cryptic diversity are often reported and libraries are publicly available. (2) Pleistocene climatic fluctuations predict diversity patterns. Emerged land in Sundaland represents only 50-75% of its maximal Pleistocene surface and its biotas are currently in a refugial state. By contrast, the Wallacea and Philippines hotspots have been continuously isolated from the main land during PCF. (3) Wildlife dependent peoples are sentinels of environmental changes. Resilience and adaptive responses of local fisherfolk to disturbed aquatic ecosystems may be assessed through the peoples’ capacity to anticipate ongoing changes. If addressed through time, people adaptive strategies might be indicative of early ecosystemic changes.

The FRESHBIO partners are:

Dr. Hendrik FREITAG: Ateneo de Manila University (ADMU)

Dr. Daisy WOWOR: Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)

Dr. Nicolas HUBERT: Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), France Sud

Dr. Thomas von RINTELEN: Museum für Naturkunde (MfN)

Dr. Philippe KEITH: Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (MNHN)

Dr. Edmond DOUNIAS: Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), Indonésie


Nicolas Hubert:


1st Joint Call: SKUD

This project studies the emergence of Skin Ulceration Diseases in Edible Sea Cucumbers in a Global Change Framework. It is funded under the 1st Call of the Southeast Asia - Europe Joint Funding Scheme for Science and Innovation
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Sea cucumbers are a delicacy across South and East Asia, yet with increasing market pressure and the effects of climate change, numbers are reducing at an alarming rate, particularly in the Indo-Pacific. Sea cucumber fisheries are in a worse state than most fisheries globally.

Over the past 2 decades, the production a particular breed of edible sea cucumber, Holothuria scabra, has ensured sufficient production and made its aquaculture profitable. However, it is thought that increasing water temperatures and ocean acidification could be causing an increase in skin ulceration diseases in sea cucumbers. Such diseases could seriously affect their production, affecting not only the animals, but also the local economies which depend upon their growth and sale. 

The project

The SKUD project aims to study the emergence of diseases, especially SKUDs, in edible sea cucumbers outside Madagascar, especially in Thailand and France, within a global change framework.

The team aim to firstly make a survey of parasites and diseases of two edible sea cucumbers (Holothuria forskali in France and Holothuria scabra in Thailand, and will then determine the cause(s) of SKUDs on these species. With this information, the team will then assess the effects of increased temperature and decreased pH, at values commensurate with predicted global changes, on SKUD prevalence and development.

The Science

The SKUDs that are emerging diseases in new aquacultures will be characterized for the first time by adequate “high tech” methods including metagenomic analyses and the originality of the researches as well as the strength of the involved teams insures the diffusion of the results through international publications. The assessment of the possible impact of global change stressors on SKUD diseases will help forecasting and preventing their exacerbation in aquaculture conditions. The cost of possible mitigations through manipulation of temperature and/of pH in aquaculture basins can then be assessed.

Commercially, the understanding of sea cucumber diseases is of the utmost importance as these fisheries expand worldwide with a Chinese market pressure of increasing affluence. Sea cucumbers have attracted much interest in export-oriented fisheries in at least 70 countries. Collecting sea cucumbers for production of ‘‘bêche-de-mer’’ or ‘‘trepang’’ (the dried body wall) and export to the Asian dried seafood market has a long history in the productive waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. The majority (66%) of sea cucumber fisheries involved small-scale fishing operations for export. The Team:

The SKUD partners are:

Igor EECKHAUT/ University of Mons (Belgium)

Anchana PRATHEP / Prince of Songkla University (Thailand)

Philippe DUBOIS / Free University of Brussels (Belgium)

Nadia AMEZIANE / Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Station de Biologie Marine de Concarneau (France)


Igor Eeckhaut: