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2nd Joint Call Funding Decision

9 projects from the 2nd Joint Call have been selected for funding (3 bioeconomy/ 6 Infectious Diseases)
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In its meeting on 23 January 2019 in Bangkok the Programme Steering Committee (PSC) selected the following 9 projects for funding:



1) Irrigation4.0 - Strengthening agriculture 4.0 technology in a Thailand-Myanmar-Germany collaboration: development of a plant-based irrigation platform

2) BIOPLATE -Electroplating processes for biodegradable materials obtained from renewable biological resources

3) Purge to Value - Development of value added products with low environmental impact from the purge water of microalgae cultivation


Infectious Diseases:

4) Moxistrong - Moxidectin for Strongyloidiasis

5) Malaria & HIV drug resistance diagnostic devices - Development of paper based rapid diagnostic kits for Malaria and HIV drug resistance detection using recombinase polymerase amplification

6) PHIShINg - Paper based Hepatitis B Virus Electrochemical Immunosensors using AgNPs enhancement

7) PNEUMOFLUIDICS - Development of a microfluidic chip protein array as a serodiagnostic tool of early detection of pneumococcal infection

8) SEA-dog-SEA - Socio-Ecological Approach of Dog-borne zoonotic diseases in Southeast Asia

9) NEWTONIAN - New tools for the regional control of Asian liver fluke infection and associated severe liver diseases

The project coordinators have been informed about this deicision by the Joint Call Secretariat. The total funding volume of the projects amounts to approximately 2,7 mio. Euros.

More information about the projects will be available soon.