CLOSED CALL (2017) - 1st Joint Call in the thematic areas of health and environment/climate change

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2017 1st Joint Call for Proposals in the thematic areas of Health, Environment /Climate Change.

*** The JFS Call is now closed *** The deadline to submit proposals was 30 June 2017; 50 proposals were submitted and 8-10 projects were selected to be funded.


Type of funded projects: Europe-Southeast Asian Joint Call Projects must comprise of at least 3 partners (either 2 different Southeast Asian partners and 1 European partner from countries participating in the call or 2 different European partners and 1 Southeast Asian partner from countries participating in teh call) and cover the thematic areas of Health (Anti-microbial drug resistance, Emerging infectious diseases), Environment/ Climate Change (Adaptation/Resilience of food production systems, Impacts of Climate Change on Ecosystems/Biodiversity) to enhance bi-regional co-operation and develop new partnerships as well as strengthen existing ones.

Participating countries:

  • Belgium (french speaking) - Fund for scientific research (F.R.S – FNRS)
  • Cambodia - Ministry of Education and Youth (MOEY)
  • France - French National Research Agency (ANR)
  • Germany - Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
  • Lao PDR - Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST)
  • The Philippines - Department of Science and Technology (DoST)
  • Poland - National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR)
  • Spain - Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI)
  • Sweden - Swedish Research Council for sustainable development (FORMAS)
  • Sweden - Swedish Research Council (SRC)
  • Switzerland - Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)
  • Thailand - National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA)
  • Thailand - Thailand Center for Excellence for Life Science (TCELS)
  • Turkey - Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK)

Scope of the projects:

Funding will be provided for the duration of a maximum of three years (36 months). They should start earliest in January 2018.

Within the framework of the Joint Call, funding can be applied for:

  • Personnel costs
  • Equipment and consumables (project-related miscellaneous expenses and project-related larger equipment)
  • Mobility costs (exchange research visits between Europe and Southeast Asia. Travel costs, living expenses and visa costs are eligible for funding.
  • Other costs (Costs which cannot be classified under the previous cost items but are required for the project implementation, such as costs related to dissemination, intellectual property, demonstration, market search, management, organisational and subcontracting costs).

The eligibility of cost items and their calculation is according to respective national regulations. You can download the respective national regulations for your country in the attachments section.

Who can apply?

Proposals may be submitted by public legal RTD (Research and Technology Development) entities, higher education institutions, non-university research establishments, companies (all depending on national regulations). The participation of SMEs, industries and clusters in consortia is recommended. Eligibly criteria can be found in the respective national funding regulations.

Countries contributing to the Call are: Belgium (Wallonia), Cambodia, France, Germany, Lao PDR, The Philippines, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand and Turkey,

Institutions not explicitly mentioned as recipients might be included in consortia if they provide their own funding (non-eligible organisations might join on their own costs). Other entities may apply if the respective national regulations allow it.

Applicants should discuss their intentions and confirm eligibility with their respective National Contact Point before submitting a proposal.

Application Process

Project proposals are to be submitted electronically using the PT-Outline web tool.

Please note: Some funding agencies might require that applicants from their respective country submit specific complementary documents at the national level, in addition to the PT Outline web tool. Please check the additional requirements stated in the national regulations of the countries represented in your project before submitting your proposal.

Each project consortium has to choose a Project Coordinator from among all partners of the respective project eligible for funding (partners participating on their own budget may not be coordinators). Only one proposal per project should be submitted using PT-Outline. The Project Coordinator is responsible for submitting the proposal on behalf of its project consortium.  The responsibilities of the Project Coordinator are to keep the other project partners updated on the submission process, to ensure the internal management and coordination of the project consortium and to constitute the main contact for the Joint Call Secretariat.

All proposals must be written in English only.

The PT-Outline electronic template consists of four pages (General information, Project coordinator, Project partners and Project description) that need to be filled-in online. In addition, a word document has to be downloaded from the Project description page of PT-Outline, filled-in with the requested information, converted to PDF format and then uploaded again.

The Project description document should contain the following information (max. nr of 10,000 words):

1. Basic project data

Project title

Project Acronym

Name and institution of the Principal Investigator

Names and institutions of other project partners


2. Project description

2.1 Short abstract of the project

2.2 Objectives of the project

2.3 Scientific excellence

2.4 Transnational added value

2.5 Scientific excellence of applicants

2.6 Multi-/interdisciplinarity of the project

2.7 Contribution to national priorities of the participating partners (if applicable)


3. Work plan

3.1 Methodology

3.2 Envisaged types of activities

3.3 Involvement of each partner

3.4 Time plan

3.5 Project coordination and management


4. Potential impact and exploitation of results

4.1. Expected scientific/commercial impact

4.2. Dissemination and exploitation of results

4.2. Prospects to establish sustainable partnerships

5. Financial Plan

6. Annexes

6.1. Letter of Commitment of partners participating at their own costs (if applicable)

6.2 CVs of participating researchers and scientific track-record

Proposals must clearly demonstrate the added value of transnational collaboration.

All information inserted into the PT-Outline web tool is saved after having clicked on the “SAVE” button at the bottom of each page.

During the proposal submission phase, it is allowed to replace already registered and eligible project partners, or to add project partners to the consortium. Please note that after the binding submission of a proposal (through clicking on the ‘SUBMIT NOW’ button in PT-Outline) no further changes can be made to your proposal.


Evaluation Process

The evaluation process includes the following steps.

Eligibility check

The Joint Call Secretariat (JCS) will check all pre-proposals to ensure that they meet the formal criteria of the call (date of submission, number and country distribution of participating research partners, inclusion of all necessary information in English and length). The JCS will forward the proposals to the National Contact Points who will perform a check for compliance to country/regional rules (as described in respective "National Guidelines for applicants”).

Please note that proposals not meeting the formal criteria or the national/regional eligibility criteria and requirements may be declined without further review.

Peer review

Independent scientific experts in the relevant thematic research fields will carry out the anonymous peer review of the eligible project proposals according to evaluation criteria set up by the funding parties. Each proposal will be evaluated by three evaluators (at least one Southeast Asian and one European peer reviewer). The peer reviewers will be nominated by the Southeast Asian and European National Contact Points in cooperation with the funding parties.

The evaluation is done using the following evaluation criteria:

  1. Scientific/technological excellence and innovativeness of the project idea (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Sound concept, quality of objectives
    • Innovativeness of the project idea: capacity of a project to contribute to the development of a new technology, service or product
    • Quality and effectiveness of the methodology and associated work plan
    • Good balance between the technology/knowledge available at each participating team
    • Complementarity of qualifications and relevant experience of the coordinator and the individual participants/participating teams
  2. Potential impact and expected outcomes of the project (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Social and/or market related impact
    • Potential to meet market, economical and societal needs and significant exploitation potential
    • Prospects for establishing efficient and sustainable partnership within the network, including transfer of know-how and experience
    • Appropriateness of measures for the dissemination and/or exploitation of trans-national projects results, and management of intellectual property
  3. Management, Transnationality and Cooperation (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Quality and effectiveness of the management structure and distribution of tasks
    • Added value of transnational cooperation
    • Appropriate allocation and justification of the resources to be committed (budget, staff, equipment)

The total score of the proposal is the weighted average of the individual scores given to each criterion, rated from 0 to 10. The table below summarises the scores and weight coefficients per criterion:






Scientific/Technological excellence and innovativeness of the project idea




Potential impact and expected outcomes of the project




Management, Transnationality and Cooperation








Once the peer review process is finalise, the JCS will send the full proposals and pooled reviews to the Scientific Council (SC) members. The SC will meet to discuss each proposal and, after consideration of the evaluation criteria, external reviews and their own discussions, the SC will make a classification of the proposals and rank proposals recommended for funding.

Funding decision

Based on the ranking list established by the SC and on available funding, the PSC will take a final decision (subject to budgetary considerations). The Joint Call Secretariat will communicate to all project coordinators the final decisions about their proposal together with a review summary from the SC.

Contact information:

Call secretariat:

Christoph Elineau,

Project Management Agency German Aerospace Center (DLR)

SEA-EU-NET Coordinator


Phone: 0049/228/3821-1437


National Contact Points:

Belgium, F.R.S – FNRS

Joël Groeneveld

The Fund for Scientific Research


Cambodia, MOEY

Dr. Nith Bunlay

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport


Germany, BMBF

Dr. Gerold Heinrichs

International Bureau of the BMBF

Project Management c/o German Aerospace Center (DLR)


France, ANR

Dr. Véronique Briquet-Laugier

Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR)



Mr. Phouthanouthong Xaysombath

Department of Planning and Cooperation

Ministry of Science and Technology


The Philippines, DOST

For health topics:

Dr. Jaime Montoya

Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD)

For climate change/environment topics:

Dr. Carlos Primo C. David

Philippine Council for Industry, Energy & Emerging Technology


Poland, NCBR

Ms. Krystyna Maciejko

National Centre for Research and Development


Spain,  CDTI

Mr. Ricardo Rubianes Escribano

Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial


Sweden, FORMAS

Dr. Lisa Almesjö

Swedish Research Council for sustainable development


Sweden, SRC

Mr. Johan Nilsson (PhD)

Swedish Research Council


Switzerland, SNSF

Ms. Andrea Landolt

Swiss National Science Foundation

+41 31 308 24 09


Thailand, NSTDA

Dr. Chanwit Tribuddharat

National Science and Technology Development Agency


Thailand, TCELS

Dr. Nares Damrongchai

CEO, Thailand Center of Excellence for Life Sciences



Dr. Jale Sahin

Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey


*** The JFS Call is now closed *** The deadline to submit proposals was 30 June 2017; 50 proposals were submitted and 8-10 projects were selected to be funded.


Type of funded projects: Europe-Southeast Asian Joint Call Projects must comprise of at least 3 partners (either 2 different Southeast Asian partners and 1 European partner from countries participating in the call or 2 different European partners and 1 Southeast Asian partner from countries participating in teh call) and cover the thematic areas of Health (Anti-microbial drug resistance, Emerging infectious diseases), Environment/ Climate Change (Adaptation/Resilience of food production systems, Impacts of Climate Change on Ecosystems/Biodiversity) to enhance bi-regional co-operation and develop new partnerships as well as strengthen existing ones.

Participating countries:

  • Belgium (french speaking) - Fund for scientific research (F.R.S – FNRS)
  • Cambodia - Ministry of Education and Youth (MOEY)
  • France - French National Research Agency (ANR)
  • Germany - Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
  • Lao PDR - Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST)
  • The Philippines - Department of Science and Technology (DoST)
  • Poland - National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR)
  • Spain - Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI)
  • Sweden - Swedish Research Council for sustainable development (FORMAS)
  • Sweden - Swedish Research Council (SRC)
  • Switzerland - Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)
  • Thailand - National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA)
  • Thailand - Thailand Center for Excellence for Life Science (TCELS)
  • Turkey - Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK)

Scope of the projects:

Funding will be provided for the duration of a maximum of three years (36 months). They should start earliest in January 2018.

Within the framework of the Joint Call, funding can be applied for:

  • Personnel costs
  • Equipment and consumables (project-related miscellaneous expenses and project-related larger equipment)
  • Mobility costs (exchange research visits between Europe and Southeast Asia. Travel costs, living expenses and visa costs are eligible for funding.
  • Other costs (Costs which cannot be classified under the previous cost items but are required for the project implementation, such as costs related to dissemination, intellectual property, demonstration, market search, management, organisational and subcontracting costs).

The eligibility of cost items and their calculation is according to respective national regulations. You can download the respective national regulations for your country in the attachments section.

Who can apply?

Proposals may be submitted by public legal RTD (Research and Technology Development) entities, higher education institutions, non-university research establishments, companies (all depending on national regulations). The participation of SMEs, industries and clusters in consortia is recommended. Eligibly criteria can be found in the respective national funding regulations.

Countries contributing to the Call are: Belgium (Wallonia), Cambodia, France, Germany, Lao PDR, The Philippines, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand and Turkey,

Institutions not explicitly mentioned as recipients might be included in consortia if they provide their own funding (non-eligible organisations might join on their own costs). Other entities may apply if the respective national regulations allow it.

Applicants should discuss their intentions and confirm eligibility with their respective National Contact Point before submitting a proposal.

Application Process

Project proposals are to be submitted electronically using the PT-Outline web tool.

Please note: Some funding agencies might require that applicants from their respective country submit specific complementary documents at the national level, in addition to the PT Outline web tool. Please check the additional requirements stated in the national regulations of the countries represented in your project before submitting your proposal.

Each project consortium has to choose a Project Coordinator from among all partners of the respective project eligible for funding (partners participating on their own budget may not be coordinators). Only one proposal per project should be submitted using PT-Outline. The Project Coordinator is responsible for submitting the proposal on behalf of its project consortium.  The responsibilities of the Project Coordinator are to keep the other project partners updated on the submission process, to ensure the internal management and coordination of the project consortium and to constitute the main contact for the Joint Call Secretariat.

All proposals must be written in English only.

The PT-Outline electronic template consists of four pages (General information, Project coordinator, Project partners and Project description) that need to be filled-in online. In addition, a word document has to be downloaded from the Project description page of PT-Outline, filled-in with the requested information, converted to PDF format and then uploaded again.

The Project description document should contain the following information (max. nr of 10,000 words):

1. Basic project data

Project title

Project Acronym

Name and institution of the Principal Investigator

Names and institutions of other project partners


2. Project description

2.1 Short abstract of the project

2.2 Objectives of the project

2.3 Scientific excellence

2.4 Transnational added value

2.5 Scientific excellence of applicants

2.6 Multi-/interdisciplinarity of the project

2.7 Contribution to national priorities of the participating partners (if applicable)


3. Work plan

3.1 Methodology

3.2 Envisaged types of activities

3.3 Involvement of each partner

3.4 Time plan

3.5 Project coordination and management


4. Potential impact and exploitation of results

4.1. Expected scientific/commercial impact

4.2. Dissemination and exploitation of results

4.2. Prospects to establish sustainable partnerships

5. Financial Plan

6. Annexes

6.1. Letter of Commitment of partners participating at their own costs (if applicable)

6.2 CVs of participating researchers and scientific track-record

Proposals must clearly demonstrate the added value of transnational collaboration.

All information inserted into the PT-Outline web tool is saved after having clicked on the “SAVE” button at the bottom of each page.

During the proposal submission phase, it is allowed to replace already registered and eligible project partners, or to add project partners to the consortium. Please note that after the binding submission of a proposal (through clicking on the ‘SUBMIT NOW’ button in PT-Outline) no further changes can be made to your proposal.


Evaluation Process

The evaluation process includes the following steps.

Eligibility check

The Joint Call Secretariat (JCS) will check all pre-proposals to ensure that they meet the formal criteria of the call (date of submission, number and country distribution of participating research partners, inclusion of all necessary information in English and length). The JCS will forward the proposals to the National Contact Points who will perform a check for compliance to country/regional rules (as described in respective "National Guidelines for applicants”).

Please note that proposals not meeting the formal criteria or the national/regional eligibility criteria and requirements may be declined without further review.

Peer review

Independent scientific experts in the relevant thematic research fields will carry out the anonymous peer review of the eligible project proposals according to evaluation criteria set up by the funding parties. Each proposal will be evaluated by three evaluators (at least one Southeast Asian and one European peer reviewer). The peer reviewers will be nominated by the Southeast Asian and European National Contact Points in cooperation with the funding parties.

The evaluation is done using the following evaluation criteria:

  1. Scientific/technological excellence and innovativeness of the project idea (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Sound concept, quality of objectives
    • Innovativeness of the project idea: capacity of a project to contribute to the development of a new technology, service or product
    • Quality and effectiveness of the methodology and associated work plan
    • Good balance between the technology/knowledge available at each participating team
    • Complementarity of qualifications and relevant experience of the coordinator and the individual participants/participating teams
  2. Potential impact and expected outcomes of the project (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Social and/or market related impact
    • Potential to meet market, economical and societal needs and significant exploitation potential
    • Prospects for establishing efficient and sustainable partnership within the network, including transfer of know-how and experience
    • Appropriateness of measures for the dissemination and/or exploitation of trans-national projects results, and management of intellectual property
  3. Management, Transnationality and Cooperation (scoring from 0 to 10)
    • Quality and effectiveness of the management structure and distribution of tasks
    • Added value of transnational cooperation
    • Appropriate allocation and justification of the resources to be committed (budget, staff, equipment)

The total score of the proposal is the weighted average of the individual scores given to each criterion, rated from 0 to 10. The table below summarises the scores and weight coefficients per criterion:






Scientific/Technological excellence and innovativeness of the project idea




Potential impact and expected outcomes of the project




Management, Transnationality and Cooperation








Once the peer review process is finalise, the JCS will send the full proposals and pooled reviews to the Scientific Council (SC) members. The SC will meet to discuss each proposal and, after consideration of the evaluation criteria, external reviews and their own discussions, the SC will make a classification of the proposals and rank proposals recommended for funding.

Funding decision

Based on the ranking list established by the SC and on available funding, the PSC will take a final decision (subject to budgetary considerations). The Joint Call Secretariat will communicate to all project coordinators the final decisions about their proposal together with a review summary from the SC.

Contact information:

Call secretariat:

Christoph Elineau,

Project Management Agency German Aerospace Center (DLR)

SEA-EU-NET Coordinator


Phone: 0049/228/3821-1437


National Contact Points:

Belgium, F.R.S – FNRS

Joël Groeneveld

The Fund for Scientific Research


Cambodia, MOEY

Dr. Nith Bunlay

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport


Germany, BMBF

Dr. Gerold Heinrichs

International Bureau of the BMBF

Project Management c/o German Aerospace Center (DLR)


France, ANR

Dr. Véronique Briquet-Laugier

Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR)



Mr. Phouthanouthong Xaysombath

Department of Planning and Cooperation

Ministry of Science and Technology


The Philippines, DOST

For health topics:

Dr. Jaime Montoya

Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD)

For climate change/environment topics:

Dr. Carlos Primo C. David

Philippine Council for Industry, Energy & Emerging Technology


Poland, NCBR

Ms. Krystyna Maciejko

National Centre for Research and Development


Spain,  CDTI

Mr. Ricardo Rubianes Escribano

Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial


Sweden, FORMAS

Dr. Lisa Almesjö

Swedish Research Council for sustainable development


Sweden, SRC

Mr. Johan Nilsson (PhD)

Swedish Research Council


Switzerland, SNSF

Ms. Andrea Landolt

Swiss National Science Foundation

+41 31 308 24 09


Thailand, NSTDA

Dr. Chanwit Tribuddharat

National Science and Technology Development Agency


Thailand, TCELS

Dr. Nares Damrongchai

CEO, Thailand Center of Excellence for Life Sciences



Dr. Jale Sahin

Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey