JFS Continuation in 2023 & Pre-announcement of 2023 STI Joint Call for Proposals (8th) in the thematic areas of Circular Economy and Clean, Accessible and Secure Energy Supply
We are happy to announce that the Southeast Asia - Europe Joint Funding Scheme (JFS) for Research and Innovation is going to continue this year and will launch a new STI Joint Call for Proposals in December 2023. The JFS-team has resumed its work and is preparing everything for the next JFS call. The launch of the 2023 Joint Call for Proposals under JFS is scheduled for 01 December 2023.
The thematic areas selected for the call will be:
1) Circular Economy
2) Clean, Accessible and Secure Energy Supply
Information on participating countries/funding organisations, how to apply and deadlines will be published on our website and announced on our social media channels: FaceBook & X (Twitter) on 01 December 2023. In addition, Matchmaking Events and Lab Exploration Tours will be organised to help you to find your perfect research partners from Southeast Asia and/or Europe. Details on all JFS events will be published on our website and social media channels as well. In order to make sure not to miss any news about JFS we strongly recommend you to subscribe to our Newsletter.